5-Step Strategy Plan to transforming your next event
Today, most people would agree that a robust ‘event brief’ is a given …
but 26 years ago, it wasn’t always the case! This is why we created EventMap
… a formal, question-based-inputs + workshop process, which provides a detailed overview, which ‘stakeholders’ can interrogate, review & commit to.
Quite simply, EventMap builds measurement criteria into a rigorous planning process. It collects together the information needed to inform the creative thinking and to plan, produce & manage really effective communication & events.
This is not a ‘nice to have’, it’s pretty critical if you want to avoid ‘assumptions’.
It’s well proven … and it will give you a unique insight into the minds and agendas / thinking / buy-in of individual ‘stakeholders’ / senior management. It will create a ‘touchstone’ that is used to determine the critical from the trivial.
There are seven, pre-creative, essential elements:
Focused ‘Statement of Intent’ + Related Outcomes summary
Alignment with the business plan + overall ROI
Big Picture Objectives (Before, At and After the event)
Audience insight (without it, you can’t engage with them, meaningfully)
Proposition: Features / Advantages / Benefits / Emotional Resonance
Positioning / Timing / Budget / Supplier Funding / Logistics
Evaluation Process: Milestones / Cascade / Follow-through